Sunday, April 29, 2012

Grandkid Quiz

Guess who:

1)  LOVES the movie Cars
2)  Has a sword as his favorite toy
3)  Wanted a Hermione costume from Harry Potter outfit for Christmas
4) Spearheaded an illegal effort chop branches off my Mountain Ash tree (now deceased - the tree, not the kid).
5) Has green as a favorite color and blue as a second favorite color.
6)  Aspires to be a nurse because nurses rock babies.
7)  Builds huge towers with magnetos
8) Attended her parent's graduation (two answers to this one).
9)  Birthstone is a pearl.
10) Was born on a holiday (two answers to this one).
11) Made paper airplanes and tried to sell them to the neighborhood instead of operating a lemonade stand.
12)  Replaces dolls with crayons and  dresses the crayons.
13)  Helps her father get ready for work by handing him his razor, contact lense solution, and toothbrush.
14)  Will live in a townhouse.


Unknown said...

It is amazing how each kid is sooo cute in their own way!!!!!

MT Missy said...

1) LOVES the movie Cars - Kael (and Quinn, but not as much as Kael)
2) Has a sword as his favorite toy - Silas
3) Wanted a Hermione costume from Harry Potter outfit for Christmas - Rebecca
4) Spearheaded an illegal effort chop branches off my Mountain Ash tree (now deceased - the tree, not the kid). - Aaron
5) Has green as a favorite color and blue as a second favorite color. - Natalie?
6) Aspires to be a nurse because nurses rock babies. - Sidni
7) Builds huge towers with magnetos - Aaron
8) Attended her parent's graduation (two answers to this one). - Sophie & Rebecca
9) Birthstone is a pearl. - Stacy
10) Was born on a holiday (two answers to this one). Daphne & Elodie
11) Made paper airplanes and tried to sell them to the neighborhood instead of operating a lemonade stand. - Quinn?
12) Replaces dolls with crayons and dresses the crayons. - Daphne
13) Helps her father get ready for work by handing him his razor, contact lense solution, and toothbrush. - Elodie?
14) Will live in a townhouse. - Sophie

MT Missy said...

How'd I do?

Unknown said...

1) Kale
2) Silas
3) Rebecca
4) Quinn
6) Sidni
8)Stacy and Sophie
9)Stacy and Quinn
10)Daphne and Elodie
11) Aaron
12) Daphne
14) Sophie

Unknown said...

These kids are SO fun. They must get it from their amazing grand parents!

The Silly Witch said...

What cute kids we have in our family!

MT Missy said...

So close! I'm going to have to get to know them even better, though. Good thing I'll be able to see them in a couple of months!