Sunday, February 18, 2007

Sons-in Law

After your daughters get married, you acquire new family called "sons-in-laws". I am completely in favor of sons-in laws (SILs). For one thing, they add balance to the family. Instead of overpowering Wilbur with feminine interests, opinions, and ambience, he now has other men to watch football and basketball with. Although, the hooting and hollering during games is much louder, it seems like television sports are MUCH more fun since we got the SILs. ( A word of warning here: Any SIL who interests Wilbur in any new sports that are televised is dead meat. Already, I have to make an appointment to watch television.)

Another great thing about SILs is that the only boy, Orville, now has brothers to hang with. When 16 year old Orville showed up at his sister's weddings 2000 miles away and casually mentioned the most formal attire he packed was a grey T-shirt and cargo pants, it was the shortly-to-be SIL who came to the rescue.

SILs are also useful for babysitting when I want to shop with my girls. Just like Wilbur and Orville, they have a minimal interest, if any, in shopping. But if you can interest them in TV game, barbecuing, or starting a campfire for marsmallows, they are perfectly content to stay home and watch the kids.

Besides having a providential dislike of shopping, SILs have an outdoor streak in them that is very useful. They make terrific skiing partners, downhill or cross country, if you can keep up with them. If you are short on people to hike with, send your daughter's family plane fare. SILs are like the energizer bunny on a hike. You need someone to help you improve your target shooting? Send for your SIL. They like guns too.

One of the most important feature of an SIL is that any of his quirks are not your fault. Those, you get to blame on HIS family. Overall, SILs are a winning concept, provided your daughters have good taste. Hey girls, did you get your good taste in men from me?


Unknown said...

Of course we did. We also got your beauty mom! Thanks for good genetics.

The Silly Witch said...

Great post, mom!
