Sunday, April 13, 2008

Invisible Fence: Solution to the Deer Problem

Last week I whined numerous times about the deer eating all my tulips before they had a chance to grow more than an inch above ground level. Suffering in silence has never been one of my besetting sins. Saturday morning Wilbur awoke with the solution to our deer problem: the invisible fence.

You know the invisible fence. You string a wire around your yard. Put a shock collar on your dog. Turn some switch and your dog gets zapped if he crosses the wire and leaves your yard.

Well, Wilbur's idea is that we put the zapper wire all around our yard, put shock collars on all the deer, and they get zapped if they come INTO our yard. I am still trying to regain my composure after my giggling fit. In my imagination, I can see us roping deer, wrestling them to the ground and fitting them with shock collars. Although, I can't help but feel some satisfaction at the mental picture of a deer getting zapped as it makes a beeline for my tulip bed. Revenge is sweet, even if it is only in my imagination.


Unknown said...

The mental image IS funny!

Prudence said...

Sounds like a good idea too me!

MT Missy said...

zzzzzzap! I like it.

The Silly Witch said...

I love this. It made me miss all the funny things we would laugh over at the dinner table growing up.