Sunday, May 17, 2009

The Ugly Apple Tree

Many moons ago, one of my precious children was eating an apple in the back yard. This child (Orville, I have information that YOU were the culprit) had the bright idea of planting a seed from the apple in my flower bed. Lo and behold, a little apple tree began grow. I let it grow because when something other than a weed starts to grow here, I don't have the heart to kill it. Besides, I was sure it would winter kill. Instead over the next several years it developed into a VERY ugly apple tree that I could not dig out. Wilbur assured me that he and his equipment were more than capable of dealing with a small apple tree. Yesterday, he removed it for me.

This is the punishment reserved for any other unauthorized seed planting in my flower beds. Orville, this means YOU.


MT Missy said...

It made such a convenient hole for the new rose bush, though, so you can thank Orville for that!

Unknown said...

So Funny! I think the avocado that was planted in one of the house plants in the kitchen was Orville too!

You're right! That tree was never very pretty, and it didn't even produce any apples.

Prudence said...

I never knew about this!!! How funny. Maybe I should plant one here in Japan and someday someone here can deal with it and I'll be looonnngggg gone!!!! Funny!!!! Thanks for bloggin about that!