Sunday, June 09, 2013

Blogging but Uneasy

Occasionally, I look at the statistics tracking viewers of both my blogs.  I'm gratified to learn that during a week there may be three or four other people, besides my family, who slog through my thought provoking (or maybe just provoking) meanderings.  I am uneasy, though, when I see some of the web addresses that have entered my blog.

Why any site specializing in porn would enter my website is beyond me.  The idea makes me succumb to an attack of acute nausea. Often, the site names that have entered my blog clue me in to their low life purposes. I'm speculating that some of the scumbags associated with the Internet sewer must write programs that randomly enter blogs.      

Once, however, I clicked an innocuous sounding link that was a purveyor of garbage.  As the computer loaded the pictures, I noticed that the women's faces had idiotic expressions. The loading progressed and I noticed clothes did not appear on shoulders or upper chests, I crashed my computer before the upper body nudity became apparent and decided never to clink on any link that entered my blog, no matter what the name.

So the moral of the story is, never to click on link that has entered my blog, no matter how innocent sounding the name may be.  I just wish there was a way to block seedy sites from entering my blog at all.  Probably they are trying to drum up business, but they won't get mine. Self respect is hard enough to continually maintain.  Why would I sell it to predators who only goal is to take my money and wreck my life?


MT Missy said...

I whole-heartedly agree!

The Silly Witch said...

It's so weird that they look at your blog. At least you know you're spreading light.

Prudence said...

I'm glad the seedy sites haven't taken over! I'd miss your blogging!

Unknown said...

the Internet should be one of Captain Planets new forces: "Wind, Water, Heart, Fire, and now Internet!" Thanks for using it for good!