Taking another stab in the dark, we tested my female cousin's DNA Line. The mt DNA tests the mother's, mother's, mother's.... Well, this time we ended up in France (14.56%of the population belonging to the haplotype) and Austria (12.6%), with Italy coming in third (10.6%) . Check out Maine et Loire - Maine-Anjou (14.56%), France - Herault - Languedoc, France (14.13%). I thought this line was German and Dutch. Curioser and Curioser.
As for French blood, my Dad always said we have French in the family. I have never run into it yet in any of my genealogical research. And I'm not so sure I want to be French. Not a nation I admire. Sorry. If an ancestor was French, at least she had sense enough to get out of there at least by the 1700s.
The mystery still exists. It remains only to check out a male with the Brodock surname. Unforunately there are none living left in our immediate branch of the family. Even checking out a Brodock might not work out if a Brodock married a Native American woman. The YDNA finds out the father's, father's father... In this test, it would miss any women with Native American blood. We would have to find a female descendent whose mother was a Brodock to find an NA woman in the mix. Did I mention I am getting a headache?
Anybody have any more ideas?