Sunday, January 06, 2008

Christmas Wish List for 2008


1) During the year, notice the worthwhile qualities and attributes of others. Acknowledge them verbally if the situation permits. Acknowledge them in writing if you would rather. Write me a letter for Christmas telling how you benefited or changed or what you learned by doing this.

2) Have family scripture study for a year. Give five times a week a good shot. The church puts out funny book type scripture materials that make sense to use with kids. At the end of the year, write me a letter telling me about any good things that came of this. I’m open to hearing funny things too.

3) Hold family home evening each week. Once a month incorporate a story about one of your ancestors into the home evening to teach a principle. The ancestor doesn’t have to figure as the hero or heroine. Feel free to use an ancestor’s story about why NOT to do something too. Write me a letter telling me what you learned or what difference this made to you or your children.

4) Whenever someone irritates you or makes you downright mad decide not to take offense. Study D&C 64:8-11. As queen of offense taking, I KNOW this is really a toughie. Do the best you can. Write me a letter telling me how this went.

I love you guys!


Unknown said...

I want to try number 3, but I need to know more stories of my ancestors. I am going to count stories about you mom. I think I will also count my siblings because I know stories about them! This is a fun challenge! love you!

MT Missy said...

What a great wish list! I'm going to work on these for sure. (P.S. The granola turned out delicious!)

The Silly Witch said...

We're focusing on Scripture Study this year. It's really hard to sit down with Quinn.