Thursday, October 16, 2008

The Logic of Phone Solicitors

The logic of phone solicitors is completely insane.
By harassing and lying they seek to get gain.
To avoid them we're told, "Put your phone on a list."
Still they phone every day. They never have missed.

We always ask, “Please don’t call us again.”
We’d get more response from hogs in the pen.
The diamond blade salesman ignores our request.
He rages and bickers and that is no jest.

He’ll call and insist from him we must buy.
To filch the boss’ cell number, the solicitor will lie.
He’ll say he wants work done and talk now he must.
We don't deal with liars or an ornery cuss.

We won't buy his product, so argue he will.
Does he think if he demands, we must pay the bill?
Does he think it’s good business to make us mad?
We’d much rather buy local than deal with cads.

So now here's our new rule to cope with weird nerds:
If our phone says “Unknown,” your call won't be heard.
If you call “toll free,” you will be ignored.
Feel free to leave a message. And we won’t yank the cord.


Unknown said...

I like the jingle! Thoe silly salesmen, how agravating.

Prudence said...

Nice poem and great creativity!

MT Missy said...

I found an email address for diamond blades online...shall we send it to them? Great poem!