Sunday, February 17, 2013

Ranch on the Smith

This is a picture of my great grandfather's ranch on the Smith river.  My grandfather and his brother were out scouting around and found this place.  They were under age, so they persuaded my great grandfather to file a homestead.  This ranch isn't far from my grandmother's parents' ranch.  This close proximity must be how my grandmother and grandfather met.

I think it stayed in the family until my grandfather died in 1964.  The family didn't want to pay the taxes, so they sold it.  I think it was sold to my grandmother's sister in laws' brother, but I'm not positive about this.  The brother had a ranch in the same area.  Wish we still had the place on the Smith.


Unknown said...

Wow. me too! So beautiful!

MT Missy said...

What a neat place to own. What a shame!