Sunday, June 22, 2008

What's Happenin'

Eglantine wanted to know what's going on around here, with pictures. So:

It's as green as it ever gets. We had rain and snow the week of June 11th. Last week it warmed up.

The chokecherries are almost done blooming. They smell heavenly.

The creeks are running high. As my Dad would say, "The mighty Mo is mighty muddy."

We went on a hike to Crow Creek Falls on Friday and saw a beauty pageant along the way.

Fairy Slippers

Clematis was climbing all over the trees.

I have never seen so much water spilling over Crow Creek Falls. The ground was vibrating and shaking as we stood on the shore. Usually, the pool below the falls is still a few yards from the waterfall. Friday, the entire pools was boiling and churning.

Max had the good sense to stay out of the pool. He was leery of the water.

I sure wish I had remembered to wear make up. The two old old ladies make an excellent foil for the babe.

We found a mermaid near the pool. Have a good week!


Unknown said...

YEA! I love the pictures! Crow Creek Falls is a great hike, I wish I could've come! I love Montana!!!!

MT Missy said...

I'm going to have to post pictures of the falls, because they were totally impressive!

The Silly Witch said...

Who wears makeup when they're hiking? Is a compact of powder and lip gloss essential hiking gear? I think not.